New Paths to Animal Spirits: Three Creative Models of Animal Spirit Work by Lupa



I’ve written a great deal for people of an intermediate to advanced experience level, but this time I’m offering something for a more general audience, to include complete beginners. I’ve taken my two decades of work with animal spirits and broken it out into three different working models of animal spirit work. The Correspondences Model takes the idea of animals of the four directions further, explaining how to mesh animal spirits with any of a number of personalized correspondence systems, whether pre-existing or self-created. The Archetypal Model draws on Jung’s original conception of archetypes as symbolic expressions of internal impulses and instincts, linking the internal landscape with external animals as living symbols. The Bioregional Model connects people to the animal spirits of their local area, as well as the Land itself.

To give readers, especially those new to animal spirits, some guidance, I’ve offered a variety of exercises, meditations, and ritual ideas to play with along with the theory. And to illustrate the material further, there are examples seeded throughout the text. However, as with all my books, there’s plenty for the more experienced practitioner to play with, and none of it is strictly “by the book”, as it were. AND, for those of you who have read my previous works, there’s plenty of new material and ideas to work with!

So whether you’re a first-time reader of mine, or you’ve read my previous work, I’d be curious as to what you think of this newest animal spirituality endeavor!

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