Witch's Weeds by Elaanie S



 “Sitting with this book open before you is an invitation to step back into an older time when we knew the importance of the plain plants that dotted our yards and escaped from the hedgerows. . . . This book will begin your journey or enhance it, adding to your knowledge base.” — H. Byron Ballard

Since the publication of her initial project, “The Witch’s Journey: Cutting the Cords of Christian Dogma” in July of 2017, Elaanie has turned her focus and concern for the natural world to the study of, and relationship-building efforts with, plant allies. In this new book, Elaanie addresses her concerns of the human - nature disconnect which has become so prevalent in the current age of high tech lifestyles and social media obsession. Realizing that most people do not recognize the causative relationship between their personal stressors and imbalances and their loss of connection and relationship with the natural world, Elaanie now gives us “The Witch’s Weeds.” She explains the steps and offers guidance, exercises and ritual to help you establish - or enhance - those vital connections with the natural world. The Witch’s Weeds is a combination recipe, reference and magickal guide book. Let this be your first step towards unlocking the mysteries and healing found only in partnership with our wonderful plant allies.

Collections: Books, Folk Magic