Air (Elemental) Oil



Air: The air element calls on the ability to communicate and appropriately express oneself, connecting with language, travel, and the search for information. A balanced air element looks like freedom and flexibility, with the ability to explore new ideas and possibilities with an open mind. Air is free flowing, connected to wisdom, our spirit, and our soul. Air is also associated with creativity, clarity, and perception. Like the wind, the Air element can move obstacles out of the way, with an intellectual focus on logic, bringing the chance for new beginnings.

The air signs of the zodiac are: Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius


The air is represented by the Eastern direction, the throat chakra, the season of Spring, our breath, the color yellow, planetary Jupiter, the symbol of the wand, and in tarot it is associated with the sword suit.

Made with Lavender, Lemongrass, and Peppermint essential and/or fragrance oils in a base of almond oil. 

Added to the bottle is Blue Lace Agate or Blue Apatite, Yarrow, & Lemongrass. These are all handcrafted and so bottle additions may vary slightly depending on what is available. 

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